




General Objectives :

1. To understand the format, content and language of application letters.
2. To be able to write a thank you letter.
3. To develop fluency and confidence in using the telephone.
4. To project a positive image of oneself when using a telephone.

Specific Objectives :

By the end of the unit, you should be able to :
  1. write letters of application for Industrial Training.
  2. use the correct format of a formal business letter.
  3. use appropriate telephone skills to confirm the training.
  4. greet and introduce oneself and others over the telephone.
  5. make and respond to enquiries.
  6. write appropriate thank you letters pertaining to the attachment.






You are an Information Technology student and you are required to undergo a six-month industrial training during your course of studies,
  1.    what are your criteria in choosing your industrial attachment place ?

ii)       what will you do if you want to enquire whether the company will accept any trainee?

Once you have decided on your industrial training place, you could write a letter to the respective company to find out if the company would allow you to have your training there. Below is an example of  letter of application for a training place. Take note of the format.

61  Jalan Sekolah
Taman Paguh Jaya
13500 Permatang Panjang
Pulau Pinang                        (1)

The Human Resource Manager
Computer Systems Sdn Bhd
Wisma CSE
Jalan Berjaya, Section 17
46200 Petaling Jaya
Selangor                                (2)                                   24 July 2001      (3)

Dear Sir                                 (4)

Application  For Training Place            (5)

I am a second semester Certificate in Information Technology course student of  Kota Linggi Polytechnic.  I would like to enquire if I could have my industrial training in your company.

I am especially interested in programming and web page designing. As your company is a leading IT solutions and services provider, I believe I would gain invaluable experience if I were to train in your company. Furthermore, your company is highly  recommended by my seniors who had benefited from your excellent training programme. I would be very grateful if your company could accept me as a trainee.

Enclosed is the letter of verification from the Industrial Training Officer of  Kota Linggi Polytechnic as well as my  SPM and first semester examination results.

I would appreciate it very much if you could reply as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully                                    (6)
Pamela Devi
(Pamela Devi Chandran)                    (7)  

Encl 3                                                  (8)

Figure 1.1

The letter on the previous page ( Figure 1.1) is a formal letter. It follows a standard format.  

Do you know the format used in this letter ?  
Yes… it’s the Complete Block Format.  

So…what  are the features of this format ?

Let’s read the explanation on the following pages.

The Complete Block Format is a commonly used format for formal correspondence, nowadays.
This format has three main features which make it different from the others :

  1. No punctuation is used except for the body of the letter.
  2. Every line/paragraph begins at the left margin except for the date.

3.   The paragraphs of the letter are not numbered.

To know more about this format, let’s read the explanation below and at the same time please refer to Figure 1.1 on page 3.

  1.    Sender’s address

Need not write your name on top of your address.
For example :
             Karen Yeoh Zhe Yii                                 Not necessary
                      3-07-C Desa Sri Aman
                      Jalan Siakap
                      13510 Bukit Tambun
                       Pulau Pinang.

If you are writing on behalf of a company, you are going to use a piece of paper with a letterhead.  A letterhead usually has the company’s name, address, telephone number, fax number and the company logo.  For example :
18 Jalan Halim Shah,  30200 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
Tel : (605) 2888888  Fax : (605) 2888999  Website :

                                                           Your Ref :  
                                                      Our Ref   :
                                                      Date        :

  1.     The Receiver’s Name and Address          

The receiver’s name and address written in the letter and envelope should be the same.  Address the person with Mr, Mrs, Miss, Madam, Encik, Datuk, Tan Sri, Dr, etc. if the name of the person is known.

  1.     The Date

There are a few points to remember when writing the date.  
    1. Do not use short forms like 3/6/00 or 3-6-00. Spell out the month of the date in English and not in Bahasa Malaysia.    

For example :  June  NOT   Jun     
    1. No comma or full stop after the date. There is no need to write ‘rd’/ ‘th’ (3rd/ 5th ) .

For example :   18 June 1974
  1.   Salutation

To address  a person whose name you don’t know.

Dear Sir

I don’t know who to write to. I’m going to address this letter to the company. What should I use for the salutation ?

Dear Sirs


I’m confused !!!!! When should I use Dear Sir/Madam and  in what situation  do I use Dear Madam ?

Use  Dear Sir / Madam, if you’re writing a letter to someone whose gender you don’t know.  If the letter is directed to a woman whose name you don’t know, just write  Dear Madam.

Remember …..
Don’t  write the initials and the first name in the salutation.

     Dear  Mr  Y.W. Chia            Dear Mr Chia           
Dear  Mr Paul Newman    Dear Mr Newman     
Dear Dr John Kildare    Dear Dr Kildare       

5)       The Subject Heading

You should type the subject heading below the salutation. Remember to capitalize the first letter of  each word except for function words. For example :

   Dear Sir

   Application for the Post of Data Entry Clerk

  1.      The Complimentary Close

The complimentary close ends the letter in a polite way.  It should match the salutation.

Receiver’s Name and Address


Complimentary Close

Jepson Sdn Bhd
34 Jalan Perda 1
Bandar Baru Perda
13500 Seberang Perai
Pulau Pinang

Dear Sirs

Yours faithfully

The Training Manager
Siltron Ltd.
Lot 5439 Tasek Industrial Estate
31200 Ipoh

Dear Sir

Yours faithfully

Mr Junaidi b. Zohor
Cekap Engineering Ltd
1188 Jalan Udang Ketak
Taman Segambut
53000 Kuala Lumpur
Dear Mr Junaidi

Yours sincerely

  1.         Signature

Remember to sign your name after the complimentary close and type your name below your signature.  For example :

Yours faithfully
Juita bt Adnan

8)        Enclosure

You should mention if you have attached documents with your letter.  Indicate it with  ‘Encl’ or ‘Enc’ below the signature.  Do not forget to write the number of enclosures.  For example :

Yours faithfully
Juita bt Adnan
           Encl 2


There are 10 errors in the following letter. Identify the errors and correct them according to the complete block format that you have learnt earlier.

MR Terence Chow
37 lintang Mahsuri ,
14000 Pulau Pinang


The Training Manager
K-Four Sdn bhd
13500 Seberang Perai
Pulau Pinang.

Dear sirs




Your Sincerly

You have learned the format of formal letter. Let’s look at the content for a letter of application for industrial training.

Below is an example of  this letter. Read the letter and answer the following questions.

61  Jalan Semangat
Taman Gong Badak
43500 Dungun

T&P Moulding Sdn Bhd
Jalan 6/23
Taman Industri ACKU
46200 Kuala Terengganu
Terengganu                                                                            7 July 2002      

Dear Sir     

Application  For Training Place            

I am a third semester Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing)  student of  Dungun Polytechnic.  I would like to enquire if I could have my industrial training in your company.

I am especially interested in designing and moulding manufacturing using CAD/CAM programme. As your company is an established company in the field of mould production, I believe I would gain invaluable experience if I were to train in your company. Furthermore, your company has been recommended by my seniors who had benefited from your excellent training programme. I would be very grateful if your company could accept me as a trainee.

Enclosed is the verification letter from the Industrial Training Officer of  Dungun Polytechnic as well as my  SPM and first semester examination results.

I would appreciate it very much if you could reply as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully                                    

Mohd Halim Baharin

(Mohd Halim Baharin)                     

Encl 3                                                

  1. Introducing oneself




5. __________________

Figure 1.2


a) Read the letter above and answer the following comprehension questions.
  1. What is the purpose of the letter ?


2.  Who will write this type of letter ?
  1. Is it necessary for Mohd Halim to mention his name in the content of the letter ?

  1. Why do you think Mohd Halim needs to state the reason(s) for choosing the company ?


5. Why is it important to enclose the verification letter from the Industrial Training Officer?

b) Match the numbered words/phrases below with the given appropriate meaning :

                                                   (2)                              (3)
                send with                  thankful     
        (1)                                        gain                                                     

                                       (5)                           enclose




     find out   

c)  The writer has used some polite expressions in his letter. Underline the polite expressions  
     found in the letter.   Can you suggest other appropriate polite expressions ?

d) There are 5 main points in the letter. The points are given below but they are not in the right sequence. Write your answers in the blanks provided in the letter (Figure 1.2 on page 10).

            MAIN POINTS
  • Close letter politely
  • State purpose of letter
  • State reason(s) for choosing the respective company
  • Mention enclosures
  • Introduce oneself


a) Match the sentence parts in Column A to those in Column B to form meaningful
         Column A                            Column B
I am a second semester

  • I was informed that your company provides excellent training programme.
    I enclose a recommendation letter

  • I could have my industrial training in your company.
    I am looking forward to

  • a favourable reply from your company.
    I would like to enquire if

  • your company for my industrial training.
    I am interested to be trained in your company because   

  • Certificate in Computer Science student of  Kota Bahru Polytechnic.

    My Industrial Training Officer has recommended

    from the head of  Mechanical Department.

    b)  Put the sentences that you have formed in Activity 3(a) into the  respective  headings.   
        The first one has been done for you.

    Introduce Oneself

    I am a second semester Certificate in Computer Technology student in Kota Bharu Polytechnic.

    State the purpose of letter


    State the reason(s) for choosing the respective company


    Mention enclosures


    Close letter politely


        ANSWER  KEY


    Activity 1

    There are 10 errors in the following letter. Identify the errors and correct them according to the complete block format that you have learnt earlier.

                                          (1) Name not needed
    37 Lintang Mahsuri ,     (2) Use capital ‘L’        (3) No comma at the end of the name of the road
    14000 Pulau Pinang      

    24/7/2001                       (4) Date – should be at right hand side and written as 24 July 2001

    The Training Manager
    K-Four Sdn Bhd            (5)
    13500 Seberang Perai
    Pulau Pinang .                (6) Full stop not needed

    Dear Sir                        (7)


    2.xxxxxxxxxx               (8) No numbering

    3.xxxxxxxxxx            (9) No numbering

    Yours sincerely            (10)

     Activity 2


    1. To apply for a place for industrial training

    2. Students applying for industrial training

    3.  No, because he has written his name at the bottom of the letter.

    4.  To convince the company that Mohd Halim is really interested to be trained in the company.

    5.  To verify that Mohd Halim is a student of the polytechnic.


                    send with                  thankful     






         find out   

             I would like to enquire…..
    I would be grateful…..
    I would appreciate it very much…..

         (1)   Introduce oneself
    (2)   State purpose of letter
    (3)   State reason(s) for choosing the respective company
    (4)   Mention enclosures
         (5)      Close letter politely

    Activity 3(a)

    I am a second semester

  • I was informed that your company provides excellent training programme.
    I enclose a recommendation letter

  • I could have my industrial training in your company.
    I am looking forward to

  • a favourable reply from your company.
    I would like to enquire if

  • your company for my industrial training.
    I am interested to be trained in your company because   

  • Certificate in Computer Science student of  Kota Bahru Polytechnic.
    My Industrial Training Officer has recommended

  • from the head of  Mechanical Department.

    Activity 3 (b)

    1. Introduce oneself  :   
        I am a second semester Certificate in Computer Science student of Kota Bahru Polytechnic.

    2. State purpose of letter :
    I would like to enquire if I could have my industrial training in your company.

    3. State reason(s) for choosing the respective company
    i)  I am interested to be trained in your company because I was informed that your company
       provides excellent training programme.

    ii)  My Industrial Training Officer has recommended your company for my industrial    

    4. Mention enclosures
      I enclose a recommendation letter from the head of Mechanical Department

    5. Close letter politely
       I am looking forward to a favourable reply from your company.    



    If you are a Certificate student, you are required to undergo your Industrial Training in your third semester. For the Diploma students, they may have to do it in their fourth semester. However, before you can do that, you would have to choose a particular company where you want to do your training. There may be several reasons for choosing the firm : a short distance from where you live or perhaps a relative recommended it to you. Later, you would be required to call up the company to confirm your industrial training place.

    When making enquiries using the telephone , remember to …
    1. Be polite and introduce yourself : name, place of studying, place of origin , etc.
    2. Enquire if you are talking to the right company.
    3. Enquire if you could speak to the person in charge (i.e. Human Resource Manager)
    4. Ensure that your voice can be heard at the other end.
    5. Be short and concise : it is rude to waste a person’s time by asking too many questions.

    Here are some expressions to use when making a telephone call :



    Beginning a phone callHello, is that Mattel Electronics ?
    Introducing yourselfI am Mursyid Mohammed from  Seberang Perai Polytechnic.
    Asking to speak to someoneMay I speak to Karen Lau, the Human Resource Manager ?
    Enquiring about a particular matterI would like to know about … (my industrial training place at your company )
    Checking the detailsIs it confirmed…( that I will start my training on July 8, 2002 in the Accounting Department ?)
    Making further enquiriesMay I know …(the name of my supervisor at the factory/company ?)
    Thanking the other personThanks a lot for your help.
    Ending the callGoodbye.


          You are going to listen to a telephone conversation about making confirmation
           for  an industrial training place. After listening, fill in the table below with
          information from the dialogue.
    Name of caller
    Human Resource Manager
    Company’s name
    First day of training
    Department attached
    Supervisor’s name



       What do you say when you encounter  the situations below ?
      e.g. You called a company to set up an appointment with the Manager. However, he is
             not available. What do you say to the secretary ?

              “ Could you arrange my appointment with him whenever he is free ?”
    1. You agree to the date for you to report for your training given by your supervisor.
         How do you respond ?  
    1. You are setting up an appointment  for an interview for your industrial attachment.
         The HR Officer has arranged an interview date for you. However, you have another
         appointment on the same day. How do you arrange for another date ?
    1. You wanted to call your industrial training place at Hotel Continental. However,
         you  were connected to Hotel Central. What do you say to the receptionist when
         you realized your mistake ?

    1. You call up the company where you are going to have your industrial training to find out the directions to that place.
    1. The supervisor that you have to report to is not around. Leave a message to the telephone operator.
    1. You call up the company to change the date to report for your industrial training. Give suitable reasons for changing the date.


    Work in pairs. Practise making confirmations and changing date to report for industrial training. Student A will play the role of polytechnic student while Student B is the HR Manager.



           Student A    Student B
    Introduce oneself and ask for confirmation regarding Industrial Training


    Confirm that the student is going to undergo Industrial Training at the factory

    Ask for the date and person to report to

    Give a date and name of person to report to.

    Say thanks.

    End the conversation.

                          SITUATION 2

        Student A    Student B
    Introduce oneself  and ask for confirmation of  Industrial Training

    Suggest date and person to report to

    Apologize and say “no”.
    Give reasons. Suggest another date.

    Confirm new date.

    End the conversation.

        ANSWER  KEY


    Activity 1

    1.Laila Yassin
    2. Daniel Chua
    3. Inventec Computers
    4. 1st July 2002
    5. Software Department
    6. Mr Pandian

    Activity 2
    1. Thank you. I look forward to meeting you on that day.
    2. Could you arrange another  date for interview ?
    3. I’m sorry. I thought it was Hotel Continental
    4.I’m not sure about the directions to your company. Could you give me the directions to your   
       company ?
    5.Could you please tell him that Maria Salihan from Dungun Polytechnic called , regarding   
        industrial training ?
    6. I’m sorry  I cannot make it on that day. This is because I’ll be taking my final exam at that

    Activity 3

    Situation 1 :

    Student A – Hello, good morning. I am Tania Darwin from Jitra Polytechnic. I am  
                       calling to enquire about my industrial training at your company.
    Student B – Let me check the list of trainees. Umm…we do have your name here.
                      You’ll be training in the Accounting Department.
    Student A – That’s great. May I know the date and the person I have to report to ?
    Student B – You have to report on 8th July 2002 and your supervisor is Mr Edward  
    Student A – Thanks for the information.
    Student B – You are welcome. Goodbye.

    Situation 2 :

    Student A – Hello, good morning. I am Serina Redzuwan from Dungun Polytechnic.
                       I would like to confirm my Industrial Training.
    Student B – Let me check the list of  trainees first. Umm…it says that you have to
                       report on 1st June 2002 and your supervisor is Mr Mohsin.
    Student A – Oh dear… there’s a slight problem. I’m afraid I can’t come on 1st June as
                       I have to attend a medical appointment. What about 2nd June, then ?
    Student B – 2nd June…that would be a Tuesday…alright. You can report on 2nd June,
                      2002 at 8 a.m at our office.
    Student A – Thanks for your help. Goodbye.




    Look up for “Thank You” cards in a shopping mall and copy down some of the expressions being used.  Discuss their use in the class

    Below is a “Thank You” letter that you might write after you have undergone your industrial training.
    2-05-C Desa Sri Jaya
    13700 Seberang Jaya
    Pulau Pinang

    Mr Chia Wei Han
    TJC Computer Sdn. Bhd
    2-09 Jalan Perusahaan Prai 2
    13 500 Kawasan Perindustrian Prai
    Pulau Pinang                                                                                                                                          23 July 2001

    Dear Mr Chia

    I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone at TJC Computer who has made my industrial training a very happy and rewarding one. When I joined your company on 12 March 2001, I was half-way through my certificate course in Information Technology  and had no working experience. I feel this wonderful experience has helped me to understand the theoretical aspects of my course much better.
    One of the most important things that I have learned from TJC Computer is teamwork. You are very lucky to have such dedicated workers in your team. I am especially grateful to Encik Danial Mohammad my supervisor who has been very patient and generous with his knowledge throughout my training. Thank you again for providing this working environment that has nurtured my interest in the computer field.
    I will be graduating in December this year and I would really hope to come back to TJC Computer and be part of your team.  I do hope you will keep my records until then.  I will keep in touch with you regularly.
    Once again, thank you very much.

    Yours sincerely
    (Azreen Alif)

    Figure 1.3


    A.  Read the letter above (Figure 1.3) and answer the following questions.

    1. What is the purpose of this letter?

    1. When would you write this letter?

    1. Who would write this letter?

    1. To whom is the letter addressed?

    1. What does the writer hope to do after his graduation?

    1. What has the writer learned from his industrial training?

    1. Explain the phrase “nurtured my interest in the computer field”.


    B.  Find a word or phrase in the letter above (Figure 1.3) which means:
    1. well-worth                     =   ___________________
    2. particular parts of something          =   ___________________
    3. giving time, effort and loyalty to a job    =   ___________________
    4. conditions                    =   ___________________
    5. stay in communication            =   ___________________


    What should you say in a “Thank You” letter?
    The following functions are used in the above “Thank You” letter.
    1. State your intention of writing the letter.
    2. State what you have gained from the experience.
    3. Convey your thanks to a particular person.  Give your reasons.
    4. State your intention of joining the company.
    5. Close the letter
    6. Add a formal ending.


    Match the sentences in Azreen Alif’s letter with the functions listed above.

    Example : 1.  State your intention of writing the letter.
               “I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone at TJC Computer
             who has made my industrial training a very happy and rewarding one.”


    Match the sentences below with the list of functions above. Complete the incomplete  sentences with words of your own.
        Example :  5.  Close the letter
                   “Once again, thank you very much for everything.”

    Some functions can be matched with more than one sentence.
    1. I would appreciate it if you will keep my records until then.
    2. I feel this wonderful experience has helped me understand the theoretical aspects of my course much better.
    3. My special gratitude to ……………., my immediate Supervisor throughout my training.
    4. My sincere thanks to your willingness in accepting me as a trainee.
    5. He has been very kind and accommodating.
    6. I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you every now and then.
    7. Once again, I would like to convey my sincere thanks.
    8. One of the most important things that I have learned from …
    9. I have a clearer understanding of my course now after this wonderful hands-on experience.
    10. Yours faithfully      


    1.  State your intention of writing the letter.

    1. State what you have gained from the  


    1. Convey your thanks to a particular

          person.  Give your reasons.

    1. State your intention of joining the


    5.   Close the letter

    6.   Add a formal ending


    1. Find a company that you are going to apply for your industrial attachment.  Prepare a letter of application to be sent to the company.  
    2. Imagine that you have been accepted by the company, work in pairs and prepare a dialogue requesting further information on your training.
    3. Imagine that you have completed your training at the company.  Write a “thank you” letter to show your appreciation for being given the opportunity to train in the company.

        ANSWER  KEY


    Activity 1

    1. To thank the company for giving you the opportunity to train there and the opportunities to gain experience.
    2. At the end of the industrial training.
    3. The trainee/ Azreen Alif
    4. Mr Chia Wei Han, the Manager of TJC Computers
    5. He hopes to work at TJC Computers after his graduation.
    6. He is able to understand the theoretical aspects of his course better as well as being able to work as a team.
    7. It means “helped to develop his interest in  computers”.


    1. rewarding
    2. aspects
    3. dedicated
    4. environment
    5. keep in touch

    Activity 2

    1. State what have you gained from the experience.

    “I feel this wonderful experience has helped me understand the theoretical aspects of my course much better.”
    “One of the most important things that I have learned form TJC Computer is teamwork.”

    1. Convey your thanks to a particular person.  Give your reasons.

    “I am especially grateful to Encik Danial Mohammad, my supervisor throughout my training, who has been very patient and generous with his knowledge.”

    1. State your intention of joining the company.

    “I will be graduating in December this year and I would really hope to come back to TJC Computer and be part of your team.”
    “I do hope you will keep my records until then.”
    “I will keep in touch with you every now and then.”
    1. Close the letter.

    “Once again, thank you very much.”

    6.   Add a formal ending.
         “Yours sincerely”

    Activity 3

    1. d
    2. b, h, i
    3. c, e.
    4. a, f
    5. g

               6.   j


    Self-assessment 1

    You are going to write to the Human Resource Manager of  Pfzet Ltd, a circuit board manufacturer,  to apply for your industrial training. The address of the company is :  

    Pfzet Ltd.
    Lot 32, Jalan Perusahaan Perai 1
    Kawasan Perindustrian Perai 1
    13 300 Pulau Pinang

    Choose 6 appropriate sentences from the list below to write your application letter.                   Use the Complete Block Format that you have learnt earlier to write out the letter.

    • I have graduated from International Islamic University with a degree in Law.
    • I would like to have my industrial training in your company.
    • I  hope to be trained in your firm because your firm pays attractive allowance to trainees.
    • I am a second semester student of  Ungku Omar Polytechnic.  At the moment I am doing a Certificate course in Manufacturing Technology.
    • My choice  for industrial training is in your company because it is near my house.
    • Furthermore, I have been informed by my seniors that your company is the world leader in producing printed circuit boards.  I believe I will be able to learn a lot if I have my training in your company.
    • During my studies at the polytechnic, I have learnt the theoretical aspects of manufacturing technology. Thus, I hope to have a chance to practise this knowledge in your company.
    • Enclosed are my SPM examination results and a letter from the Industrial Training Officer to verify my status as a student in  the polytechnic.
    • I send with this letter my resume and my testimonials from my former school.
    • I look forward to hearing from you soon.



    Self-assessment 2

    Fill in the blanks of the following dialogue with appropriate phrases given in the box below.

    May I speak to        I look  forward to    I would like to know   
    Just a moment        I’ll put you through…             I’m Laila Yassin
    Is there anything else       may I know        Thanks for your help   
    How can I help you?

    Caller        : Hello, is that Matsushita Tool and Die?
    Operator    : Yes. (1)_________________________________________________
    Caller        : I’m Laila Yassin. (2)________________________Mr Daniel Chua,   
                             the Human Resource Manager, please ?
    Operator    : Hold on.  (3)__________________________________________
    Daniel        : Daniel Chua speaking.
    Caller        : Hello, (4)___________________________________. I’m calling
                             from Seberang  Perai Polytechnic in Permatang Pauh .
    Daniel        : I see. How can I help you ?
    Caller        : I would like to know about my industrial training in your company. I
          applied two months ago and (5)___________________________ if I
                 have been  accepted.
    Daniel        : Let me check my documents… could you repeat your name ?
    Caller        : Laila Yassin from  27, Taman Brown, Pulau Pinang. I’m a student of
              Diploma in Computer Technology in Seberang Perai Polytechnic.
    Daniel        : (6)_______________________…umm…oh yes, we have your
                             name in our list of trainees for July 2002. You’ll be training in
                             the  Software Department.
    Caller        : Thanks a lot. If it’s possible, (7)_________________ my
                             supervisor’s  name and the date that I have to report?
    Daniel        : You’ll be put under the supervision of  Mr. Pandian. You’ll have
                              to start on 1st July 2002. (8)_______________________________
                            you would like to know?
    Caller        : I think that’s all for now. (9)________________________________.
    Daniel         : Don’t mention it. (10)_____________________________________
                              seeing you then.



    Self-assessment 3

    Complete the sentences with the most suitable answer.
    1. Hello, _____ John Farnham speaking.
      1. is that
      2. it’s
      3. this is

    1. Do you know how I can ____ with him?
      1. get in touch
      2. get hold
      3. contact

    1. She is ____ another line right now.
      1. at
      2. on
      3. with

    1. Could I speak to Siva, from ____Purchasing Department ?
      1. a
      2. the

    1. I’ve been trying ____ you.
      1. contact
      2. contacting
      3. to contact

        6.Would you mind ___ her that I called ?
    1. tell
    2. to tell
    3. telling

    7.____ me get him to call you in the
    1. Let
    2. Shall
    3. Would you like

       8.Could you ____him to call me back ?
    1. say
    2. tell
    3. ask

        9. Please ____ down a message
    1. write
    2. take
    3. note

        10. Ali :  How may I help you ?
              Tan:  Could you _____ me to the
                       Manager ?
    1. connect
    2. link
    3. get




    Self-assessment 4

    Complete the following letter.  Refer to the list of functions (on page 27) as well as the model letter labeled as Figure 1.3 (on page 26) to help you.  
    5439, Lahar Yooi
    13300 Tasik Gelugor
    Pulau Pinang

    Mr Nathan a/l Ayavoo
    Human Resource Manager
    Della Sdn Bhd
    27, Jalan 1/1 Kulim Industrial Estate
    06200 Kulim
    Kedah                                                                                                                                 15 December 2002

    Dear Mr Nathan,


    I would  (1) _____________________________________________________________ .  When I  joined                                                                             
                                                                         (state your intention of writing the letter)
    your company on (2) __________________ , I have just finished two semesters of my  certificate course in
                                           (state any date)
    (3)_______________________________________________________. I feel this hands-on experience has
                                                           (state any course of study)

    (State what you have gained from the experience)

    One of the most important things that I have learned from the professionals at (5) _____________________
                                                                                                                                                                     (give the company’s name)
    is trouble-shooting skills.  You are lucky to have such knowledgeable workers in your team.  I am especially grateful to (6) __________________, my immediate Supervisor throughout my  training.
                                    (give any name)
    (Give reasons for conveying your thanks to this person)

    I will be completing my course in (8) ________________________________________________________ .
                                                          (State your intention of joining the company)
    I do hope you will keep my record for my future application.  

    (9) ____________________________________________________________________ .
    (close the letter)
    Yours (10) _________________
    (11) ______________________

    (12) (                                         )





    Self-assessment 1

    ½ mark

    ½ mark

    ½ mark
    ½ mark

    ½ mark

    ½ mark
    ½ mark
    ½ mark
    ½ mark
    Lot 501 Kg Parit China
    15100 Kota Bharu

    The Human Resource Manager
    Pfzet Ltd.
    Lot 32, Jalan Perusahaan Perai 1
    Kawasan Perindustrian Perai 1
    13 300 Pulau Pinang                                                         ½ mark            26 July 2001

    Dear Sir

    Application for Industrial Training Place

    I am a second semester student of  Ungku Omar Polytechnic.  At the moment I am doing a Certificate course in Manufacturing Technology .I  would like to have my  industrial training in your company.

    During my studies at the polytechnic, I have learnt the theoretical aspects of manufacturing technology. Thus, I hope to have a chance to practise this knowledge in your company. Furthermore, I have been informed by my seniors that your company is the world leader in producing printed circuit boards.  I believe I will be able to learn a lot if I have my training in your company.

    Enclosed are my SPM results and a letter from the Industrial Training Officer to verify my status as a student in  the polytechnic.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Yours faithfully

    Encl 2

    * Award 5 marks for the format and 6 marks for the content.

    Self-assessment 2
    1.  How can I help you                        2.  May I speak to
    3.  I’ll put you through                        4.  I’m Laila Yassin
    5.  I would like to know                      6.  Just a moment
    7.  May I know                                    8.  Is there anything else
    9.  Thanks for your help                     10. I look forward to

    Self-assessment 3
    1.C    2. A
    3.B    4. B
    5.C    6.C
    7. A    8. C
    9. B    10.A

    Self-assessment 4

    1. …like to express my sincere thanks to everyone at Della Sdn. Bhd.
    2. Date you joined the company
    3. State the name of your course
    4. …helped me to understand the theoretical aspects of my course much better
    5. …Della Sdn Bhd
    6. Name of a person
    7. He has been very kind and generous with his knowledge
    8. Date you will be finishing your course/ …and I would really hope to join Della Sdn Bhd. and be part of your team.
    9. Once again, thank you very much.
    10. …sincerely
    11. Your signature
    12. Your name written in full


    36 - 43
        Well done !  Move on to the next unit.
    35 - 28
        Good. Be more careful while answering. Please go     through your mistakes.         
    19 - 27
        Pay attention to your weaker areas.
    0 - 18
        Please go through the unit again or see your lecturer.

    APPENDIX 1.1

    TAPESCRIPT for Unit 1.2 : Confirmation By Telephone

                                                                     For Industrial Attachment (Activity 1)

    Caller        : Hello, is that Inventec  Computers ?
    Operator    : Yes. How can I help you ?
    Caller        : I’m Laila Yassin. May I speak to Mr Daniel Chua, the Human
                  Resource Manager, please ?
    Operator    : Hold on. I’ll put you through…

    Daniel        : Daniel Chua speaking.
    Caller        : Hello, I’m Laila Yassin. I’m calling from Seberang Perai Polytechnic
              in Permatang Pauh .
    Daniel        : I see. How can I help you ?
    Caller        : I would like to know about my industrial training in your company. I
          applied two months ago and I would like to know if I have been
    Daniel        : Let me check my documents… could you repeat your name ?
    Caller        : Laila Yassin from  27, Taman Brown, Pulau Pinang. I’m a student of
              Diploma in Computer Technology in Seberang Perai Polytechnic.
    Daniel        : Just a moment…umm…oh yes, we have your name in our list of
     trainees for July 2002. You’ll be training in the Software Department.
    Caller        : Thanks a lot. If it’s possible, may I know my supervisor’s name ?
    Daniel        : You’ll be put under the supervision of  Mr. Pandian. Before I forget ,
     you’ll have to start on 1st July 2002. Anything else ?
    Caller        : I think that’s all for now. Thanks for your help. Goodbye.
    Daniel         : Don’t mention it.

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